Diatomaceous earth (DE) is composed of fossils formed by tiny algae-like organisms called diatoms. It is a slightly abrasive powder that is safe for consumption by humans and animals. It has health and medicinal benefits to the body. Be sure that your DA is marked as food-grade. Non-food grade DE is not safe for human consumption.
How to take Diatomaceous Earth
Mix one teaspoon full of diatomaceous earth in a glass of water. Drink it one hour before eating or two hours after eating. Repeat this dose for 10 days, then wait another 10 days before repeating the cycle. Do this for 5 full cycles of 10 days on and 10 days off. Diatomaceous Earth can also remove medications from the body, so check with your doctor before use if you are taking medications.
Medicinal Use: Diatomaceous Earth Detoxifies the body
Diatomaceous earth holds a negative ionic charge. This causes it to attract positively charged toxins and heavy metals, helping to flush them out of the bloodstream and the body.
Kills Parasites
Diatomaceous earth naturally kills parasites and viruses in the digestive tract. By using the 10 days on and 10 days off schedule, it kills parasites in all stages of the reproductive cycle, ending the infestation.
Improves Joint and Bone Health
Diatomaceous earth is a natural source of silica and other trace minerals required by the body. Silica is essential for healthy joints, ligaments, and bones.
Encourages Heart Health
Diatomaceous earth helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which encourages a healthy heart and circulatory system.
Clean Teeth
Diatomaceous earth is an abrasive that is safe to use as a toothpaste.
Other Uses
Diatomaceous earth has many uses around the home. One of its most valuable household and garden uses is in killing fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders and other insects. You only need to dust it in the areas where infestation exists. It is completely safe with kids and pets. It is also valuable as an abrasive cleanser, an absorbent, deodorizer, and in water filtration.
Diatomaceous earth is fine abrasive powder. It can be harmful if inhaled or if it gets in the eyes. Wear proper protective clothing when using.
Recipes. Diatomaceous Earth Toothpaste:
- ยฝ cup of diatomaceous earth
- ยฝ cup coconut oil
- 1 to 2 drops peppermint essential oil
- Vegetable glycerin, as desired for texture
Mix together and use as toothpaste.
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